About The Michels Law Firm
Joe Michels formed the Michels Law Firm in 2012 after working as partner at some of the largest law firms in the country for over 20 years. His goal was simple – to deliver quality results to businesses and individuals at an affordable price. Whether it’s a dispute with the future of the company hanging in the balance, crafting a wise estate plan to protect your assets, or navigating legal issues unique to the elderly and disabled, the Michels Law Firm Delivers Results.
What separates The Michels Firm from other law firms? Dedication to service. At the Michels Law Firm, clients come first. We know the most common complaint folks have about lawyers is they never return their calls and e-mails. That’s not how we operate. We promptly respond to our client’s concerns and deliver thoughtful customer service. We are straight forward and plain speaking. We cut out the “legalese” and tell our clients all the facts and legal issues pertinent to their case in plain English. We prepare all our “legal documents” in plain English without all the “hereinafter, hereunder, therein, and other “lawyer language phrases” most people never use. We make the complex seem simple and easy to understand. We want to be the law firm that changes your expectations about dealing with lawyers.
"Very helpful and knowledgeable."The Michels Firm was very helpful to my family. They answered all our questions and assisted with my mom's nursing home ...
- Robin V.